Supplements? A Healthy German Shepherd Starts With A Well-Fed Puppy!

German Shepherd Supplements

The German Shepherd is a dog that never goes unnoticed, either by its noble appearance, its attentive expressions, or its well-balanced behavior, besides being the police dog of all the most popular movies in show business.

It is considered one of the most widespread breeds in the world since its inception in the late nineteenth century.

Being the assistant of many security forces, a great protector, and one of the favorite dogs, it is the choice of most people who decide and adopt.

So many attributes explain why we usually see so many dogs of this breed around the world, which continues to collect admirers of all cultures, ages, and styles.

If you are fascinated by German Shepherds, you will probably also love the possibility of discovering new interesting facts about them.

German Shepherds are strong

German Shepherds are strong dogs if they are well fed

Although it is a strong and resistant dog, the German Shepherd shows a genetic predisposition to many degenerative diseases.

The enormous popularity of the breed and the search to standardize its physical characteristics have led to indiscriminate crosses that, to this day, are reflected in the health of the German Shepherd.

Without a doubt, the most sensitive region of their body is the abdomen and extremities, since the German Shepherd is one of the dog breeds most prone to develop hip and elbow dysplasia.

However, there are also other common diseases in the German shepherd, such as:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Dwarfism.
  • Chronic Eczema.
  • Keratitis.
  • Glaucoma.

It’s all down to the correct lactation.

When a dog gives birth, the fact that the lactation process (an important source of calcium) develops correctly determines the health with which the puppies start their life.

A dog that is in full development and with optimal health can feed practically without problem to all the puppies to which it gives birth.

By general law, a medium-sized dog will have between five and seven puppies per birth. If there are more than eight puppies, it may run out of stamina to feed all its puppies correctly.

If this is the case, it will need your help with supplements during this stage, since it will require your special attention so that all the puppies develop correctly.

Supplements For Dogs, What Are They?

As you may have noticed, we live in times where “energy or vitamin deficiencies” can be quickly solved with energy drinks or supplements with vitamins and antioxidants.

But, is it correct to give supplements to a dog? From what age should we supply them?

Nutritional supplements for dogs are a great ally in their feeding.

Natural supplements for dogs help them in many aspects, they improve their health, their coat, and even their vitality and good mood.

Natural dog food supplements are extracted from elements present in nature and treated to make them comfortable to use with our dogs.

They are taken orally, normally we give them to our dog along with the food.

We call them supplements because they have the particularity that the necessary doses are small.

It’s Ok To Give My German Shepherd Puppy An Alternate Source Of Calcium Or A Supplement?

The short answer is Yes. Food supplements are substances that are intended to supplement a diet, that is, they are an extra that enriches its diet.

Nobody is going to fill the bowl of your German shepherd with them, but you can give it a little bit each time, following the manufacturer’s instructions on the package.

Nutritional supplements are usually vitamins, minerals, or amino acids and we find a great variety in the market.

Usually, supplements of natural origin are used, since they are easier to get, cheaper, and less likely to experience adverse effects.

They are extracted from natural products and, sometimes, they are conditioned to facilitate their use in both humans and animals.

Supplements Actually Help A Lot!

Supplements help avoid nutritional deficiencies in our German Shepherds but are also useful for shining its coat and improving its health and vitality, especially for growing puppies.

We must take care of the quantities and always respect the advice of the veterinarian but, since it begins to eat food or homemade food, we can already supplement.

Remember that the supplements must be offered in small doses since they do not replace the puppy’s diet or essential nutrition, they are an aid to healthy and happy growth.

Here we will give a list of the benefits of their use:

  • Improves overall health.
  • Provides calcium and fatty acids in home diets.
  • Improves bone growth and strengthens muscles and tendons.
  • Reinforce the immune status.
  • Improve digestion and coat.

A Healthy Mom Makes A Healthy Puppy!

A German Shepherd mother will be producing breast milk for the next six weeks, so you’ll notice how much more it needs to eat and drink than usual.

As the mother will avoid abandoning its litter, you should provide it with a bowl of water near its bed, and feed it in five feedings a day.

In this way, that food and its supplements, which must be of great quality, will be passed on to the milk and from the milk to the puppies, assuring the litter a development in optimal growth.

However, never neglect the puppies and make sure that absolutely all of them have access to the breasts, so that they can all eat and develop equally.

Remember, supplements in a well-mannered way, can be your ally in developing a healthy puppy to a full-grown German shepherd able to enjoy its life at the maximum by your side!

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