One of the questions that new GSD owners ask is whether a German shepherd is smelly? Or does it even produce odor?
I bet no one wants a dog that makes the whole house smell. And with that, many vets sometimes find it hard to answer such a question.
What you should learn, like us humans, dogs have a distinctive odor that should not be bothersome to anyone.
In case your German shepherd smells, either he has not bathed, or maybe he rolled in a paddle of muddy water.
So what can cause a dog like the German shepherd to smell? And is there anything we can do? Let’s dive in to learn more.
Why German Shepherd Smells Bad?
As earlier discussed, dogs have a distinctive smell that differentiates them. Although such a distinctive smell can be present, it should not make your hair nostril coils. Right?
If you note that your German shepherd is smelling a lot, then calling your vet is recommended.
Why is my German shepherd smell?
He’s wet
What’s was the smell of your German shepherd the day you arrived from swimming session or after being rained on? I know the German shepherd had a pungent smell.
And with that water on, your dog’s coat can make it smell. The mixture of the water, dandruff, and natural oils on your dog contribute to this pungent smell.
Such a smell on your German shepherd should not bother you. It’s normal, and with time it will fade away.
What you need to do is pick up a towel and dry the dog before the water sticks on your dog’s coat of fur.
If such a smell is becoming a bother to you, seek measures of reducing the instances your dog comes into contact with water.
Your Dog Rolled On Something
Out of no reason, your German shepherd will decide to roll in a heap of trash or poop. And the dog won’t care. I know you have probably seen such a reaction from your dog.
Many animal behaviorists say such a reaction occurs because it’s wired in their system. Wild animals, especially canines, will roll in the dirt to mask their scent while out in the wild.
The Dog Has Not Bathed
Has your dog clocked a year since he went for a specialized grooming session? Perhaps that’s why you cannot withstand its smell.
Even though it’s not recommended to wash your dog’s skin severally because of flaking and extreme dryness, a bath once in a will be better than none.
You know your dog may have jumped in a puddle of mud, a skunk could have sprayed on his coat, or even came across other smelly shepherds, hence the reason he has that weird smell.
So, just check-up, when the last time your German shepherd had a comprehensive grooming session. Is it last year but one? Then rush to the groomer.
Your Dog Has a Gastrointestinal Issue
Dogs will tend to release lots of gas when faced with gastrointestinal problems. Frequent flatulence signifies that this dog took something awful, and you ought to check up on what’s the issue.
Here are some reasons your dog may have a gastrointestinal issue
You Gave Your Dog the Wrong Food
Giving your dog food, he’s not accustomed to will not sit well with your dog’s tummy. Some food contains filler ingredients that add no nutritional value.
You Gave Your Dog Human Food
A few servings from your plate could be the cause of your dog’s constant G.I.T issues. Dog’s digestive system cannot digest human food. It cannot work that way.
Exclude all your servings from your dog’s bowl and see whether your dog’s tummy will return to normal.
Your Dog Has Been Scavenging Your Trash Bin
Even with the right training, dogs will still scavenge the trash bin. It’s in their genes.
Yes, maybe your dog ate that rotten meat you threw in the trash bin, hence why he’s having constant toots.
You Changed the Food All At Once
Introducing new dog food needs no hurry. Be diligent and do it in moderation. Make sure you introduce the new food bit by bit.
Your Dog Has Been Eating Hurriedly
Dogs who may be eating hurriedly risk getting gastrointestinal problems like flatulence once in a while. You can control such behavior by getting a dog’s slow feeder.
You Gave Your Dog Milk
Most dogs will not tolerate digesting milk. They often have lactose intolerance. Desist from giving your dog any dairy product and see whether your dog will stop farting severally.
There Are Intestinal Parasites.
Intestinal parasites will cause your dog to become gassy, although. And such happens severally. However, giving your dog de-wormers can help clear them.
There Is an Imbalance of Good Bacteria’s
Normal flora or good bacteria make your dog have consistent bowels. However, if they are cleared, your dog may become gassy.
Dental Problems
Dogs like the German shepherd will tend to use their teeth severally than us human beings, so they might tend to smell a lot.
Poor oral hygiene measures and mouth infections will make your dog have a smelly mouth.
Check-in your dog’s mouth- If the smell is not that pungent, you should not worry a lot. However, if the dog’s mouth is so smelly, consult your vet.
Also, consider checking for these signs.
- Check for bleeding gums
- Inflamed gums
- Any missing teeth
- Discolored teeth and gums
Such telltale signs imply that your dog’s teeth need an assessment.
It’s an Ear Infection
German shepherd ear structure makes them susceptible to bacterial and yeast infection. The moist environments around the ears will harbor these disease-causing organelles.
For example, yeast infections are the culprits that cause German shepherds to be smelly.
With that, ensure your dog’s ears are free of moisture after a walk or swimming session. It’s this moisture that enriches these fungi.
If you note your dog is pawing its ears, drooling, excess buildup of wax, then it’s time to call your vet.
Skin Condition
The skin has many benefits for us humans and dogs. However, sometimes the skin can become compromised.
Some skin diseases will cause your dog German shepherd to smell. For example, dandruff, skin sores, fleas, and dermatitis are some of the culprits.
If concerned about your dog’s coat, check whether there are any skin breaks, sores, or even flaking. If you note your dog’s skin is scathed, remember to contact your vet.
The Anal Sacs Could Be the Problem
Dogs have anal sacs around their behind. These sacs produce a smell that’s on each dog breed. I know you have seen some dogs sniffing each other around that area. They are often looking for that smell.
However, when these glands become inflamed, they may start producing a disastrous smell. Such a reason can make your German shepherd smell.
Here is how you can know your German shepherd has a problem with these anal sacs
- Blood in the stool
- Awful smell
- Licking of the behind
- Swollen anus
Medical Condition
Some medical conditions are severe to the point that an odor is one of their distinctive sign.
Such a condition may occur during the latter stages of kidney diseases.
Also, some mumps and bumps on your dog’s coat may present with an awful smell.
Another worrying condition is diabetes. A German shepherd with diabetes will produce an ammonia-like sweet-smelling odor.
How to Stop Your Dog from Smelling
Now that we have seen the reasons that can cause a German shepherd smell. What are the options for controlling that pungent smell on your dog? Can we stop it completely? Let’s dive in to learn more.
Regular Bath Sessions Are Vital
A bathe will be essential to clear up any debris, excess oils or clear away any bad smell on your German shepherd. However, don’t do it every day. Dogs like the German shepherds don’t need regular bathe sessions. The reason being, regular sessions will predispose your dog to flakiness and dryness.
What’s more, use a veterinary dog-approved shampoo that will make your dog feel and smell good.
Also, remember to introduce your dogs to bathe sessions when they are still young. Familiarizing dogs with this grooming session is crucial.
If not able to clean your dog, seek the services of a professional groomer who is more versed on how to do this grooming practice.
Clean the Ears
Ear grooming is one of the grooming processes that most people ignore. And most people don’t realize it’s essential.
Ears need to be cleaned and dried thoroughly. Remember not to use Q tips as they risk damaging your dog’s ears.
You can use moist cotton wool to clean the outer ear of the dog thoroughly. Also, remember to dry them thoroughly, or else you risk harboring fungi and bacteria inside.
If you note any awful smell, excess buildup of wax, your dog pawing the ears, then don’t hesitate. Take your dog to the vet.
The vet will give a detailed review of what’s causing the issue and whether it’s could be why your German shepherd is smelly.
Clean the Teeth
When was the last time you brushed your dog’s teeth? Six months ago? Then it would be best if you changed such a practice.
Regular teeth brushing is essential. It will help wade off any tartar and plaque. If you cannot do this grooming process daily, do it thrice weekly. Doing this will help your dog evade many dental issues.
Also, regular brushing will help save your money in the long run as you won’t be taking your dog to a vet for a dental check.
All along, remember to use a veterinary-approved toothbrush and toothpaste. You can consult your vet or groomer on how to do this grooming precisely.
If your dog is not comfortable with you using a toothbrush, get some safe chew toys that will help keep your dog engaged, and also, they will help keep your dog’s teeth free of tartar.
Clean Your Dog’s Bed
Dog spend 10-14 hours on their bed. And lack of hygiene in their beddings can make them smell. Then why let your dog sleep in unchanged beddings.
You can change that by regularly changing and freshening up the beddings.
Do so, and you will see a change in how your German shepherd smells.
Train Your Dog Not To Roll.
As we earlier discussed, rolling on the mud or dirt can make your dog smell. If that is the case, why don’t you train your dog not to roll? Training such a command on your German shepherd will be essential.
Keep Your Dog Dry
Your German shepherd smells because he’s wet, right? Then reverse such by ensuring he’s dried, although out.
Anytime your dog is from swimming or bathing, ensure you dry him using a clean, dry towel. If not dried off the water, you can cause your dog to develop skin infections that may pose a danger.
Work on the Dog’s Diet
As we earlier discussed, diet can cause your German shepherd to smell a lot- if you note that it is diet causing your dog to become smelly. It would be best if you started working on it.
If it’s you using the wrong type of food – consider changing it. First, phase out any new ingredients bit by bit as you seek to know which exact ingredient is causing stomach issues.
Remember to introduce a new type of food with a strategy- don’t introduce new foods in your dog’s routine diet all at once. Do it in a sequence that will enable your dog to adjust. In that, do it in portions. Start the new food in small portions and continually increase each portion.
Eliminate Poor Quality Food
Poorly made food offers no nutritional value- all they do is make your dog experience gastrointestinal problems that will bring on flatulence.
With that, don’t bargain when it comes to your dog’s diet. Go for the quality. Avoid food with fillers or other ingredients that will cause your German shepherd to smell.
Don’t give your dog milk- avoid dairy products in your dog’s routine diet. As earlier discussed, milk will cause stomach discomforts like flatulence and diarrhea.
Take Your Dog To The Vet.
If nothing seems to work on your end, then it’s time to take your dog to a vet- a vet will make a diagnosis of what’s causing your German shepherd to smell.
Your vet may take a blood sample to test whether an underlying condition making your German shepherd to smell.
Your vet may also do a fecal test to see whether there is any bug that’s causing your dog to have flatulence every time.
In case of a medical condition like diabetes, your vet will give you a detailed review of the next course of action. Your doctor may start anti-diabetics to control its sugars.
Also, the vet may recommend a specialized dog shampoo to remove any dermatitis or seborrhea that will cause a German shepherd to smell.
Also, the vet may give your dog some de-wormers to eliminate any stomach parasites. Additionally, your dog may get a course of probiotics to bring back the normal flora.
The Final Thoughts
Hoping you have learned why your German shepherd smells terrible. Some of these reasons are easier to tell, whereas others need a detailed eye.
What you need to know is that German shepherd should not have a pungent smell. In case you note your German shepherd is smelly and you cannot see what the cause, consult your veterinary.