German Shepherds are exquisite animals that capture the sight of anyone who lays eyes on them. These majestic animals are courageous, loving and contain every quality that one is looking for. German Shepherds are mostly known for their guarding abilities and their energy level that does not let up even after exercising and running all day long.
German Shepherds are loyal and loving creatures that try to take care of their family in every situation. There are some instances where the German Shepherds have put their life on the line to save their owner’s life. These animals are so caring that some have even spotted cancer in their owner and have alerted them; consequently, saving their life.
When a dog is taking such good care of you, it is only fair that you do the same for your beloved pet. And so feeding you dog something that may be bad for his health can only reflect badly on you. People often get confused when they do not know what to feed to their German Shepherd, and they give him something that is not right for him, which results in German Shepherd getting severely sick.
An egg is one such food that many people consume as it is filled with many benefits, and the one thing that comes to their mind is, can German Shepherds eat eggs? If so, what part of the eggs is right for them and what part should be avoided and how many benefits does the egg boast? And so if you are one of those people, you have come to the right place.
Can German Shepherds eat eggs?
The short answer to the question is, ‘yes; German Shepherds can eat eggs’. Eggs are inexpensive and can add more nutritional value to the German Shepherd’s food. Eggs contain proteins and nutritions that are good for the German Shepherd’s muscle health and energy. In addition, eggs also contain vitamin B12, riboflavin, vitamin A, folate, fatty acids, iron, and selenium. These benefits encapsulated in eggs make them good for the dog to consume.
Here are some benefits that the elements encapsulated in the egg can provide to your beloved German Shepherd.
1. Vitamin B12:
Vitamin B12 increases the production of red blood cells which gives more energy to your German Shepherd. In addition, vitamin B12 is also beneficial for intestinal health and brain function. Vitamin B12 also reduces the deficiency in German Shepherds and makes them relieve stress, anxiety, confusion and lethargy.
2. Riboflavin:
Riboflavin is exceptionally beneficial when consumed, and it combines with other minerals inside your German Shepherd’s body; producing antibodies to fight diseases. Additionally, the lining of the intestine also improves upon the consumption of riboflavin.
Like vitamin B12, the riboflavin also produces red blood cells and enhances the dog’s body’s oxygen. Riboflavin can also help metabolise different carbs, fats and amino acids inside your German Shepherd’s body to produce more energy.
Sometimes, digesting iron can be hard on your German Shepherd, and for that matter, riboflavin can also assist in the absorption of iron.
3. Vitamin A:
One of the benefits of consuming eggs is that it prevents night blindness and can improve eyesight for people. This effect is mostly from the vitamin that is enclosed in the egg. The vitamin can prevent night blindness in dogs and can improve their eyesights significantly.
Vitamin A can also help make the coat of your German Shepherd shinier and make him look more majestic. Vitamin A can also assist in the growth of puppies.
4. Folate:
In a sense, it can be said that folate can increase the vitality of your German Shepherd as it can create new cells in your German Shepherd’s body and can also maintain the old cells in his body.
Red blood cells increase the blood flow and can help in enhancing the oxygen level throughout your German Shepherd’s body. And so, folate can also produce red blood cells. In addition, folate can also decrease the chance of cancer in German Shepherds.
Folate is so beneficial for the German Shepherd that it is said that they can assist in developing puppies in the mother’s womb and can decrease the chance of cleft palates in puppies.
5. Fatty acids:
Like folate, fatty acids can also aid in developing cells, which can be especially beneficial for the German Shepherd’s puppy. Moreover, like vitamin A, fatty acids can also help your beloved German Shepherd’s skin health and improve the lustre of German Shepherd’s coat.
Most of the people would already know this benefit, but fatty acids can also significantly improve the immunity system of German Shepherds which can do not let the disease to invade.
6. Iron:
Like some other elements mentioned in this list, iron is also responsible for the production of red blood cells. What truly differentiates iron for others is the fact that iron can also produce haemoglobin. Naturally, iron can help in efficiently providing the German Shepherd’s body with oxygen. Red blood cells also help in making the German Shepherd more energetic.
Although that in itself is a huge benefit, the benefits of iron do not stop there. Iron also assists numerous enzymes inside the German Shepherd’s body to function more effectively. Moreover, the iron can also regulate the body temperature of your German Shepherd.
7. Selenium:
While vitamin A directly affects the coat, making it shiny and healthy, the selenium protects the German Shepherd’s cells against oxidisation, giving the coat a more refined look. This perseverance of cells also helps in healthier joints.
Selenium can reduce the chance of cancer development in the German Shepherd and can also improve thyroid function and pancreatic function. Along with these benefits, the selenium also minimises the chance of hi[ dysplasia which is also among some of the problems German Shepherds encounter in their lifetime.
What are the risks of eating eggs?
1. Eating eggs excessively can be harmful.
The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that excess of everything is bad, and so when you are feeding too many eggs to your German Shepherd, you are also putting him at risk. Although eggs boast many benefits for your beloved friend, it is essential not to go overboard. Excessive intake of eggs can cause digestive issues in the dog, and it can also lead the dog towards obesity.
2. More farts:
This is one of the downsides of eating eggs that most of you would not be expecting. However, this is true; German Shepherds have a tendency to fart more when they are consuming eggs. Some people can tolerate the smell, others with small space, cannot afford to breathe GSD’s fart.
3. Deficiency of biotin:
Biotin is essential for the growth of a dog as it can improve the German Shepherd’s general health. Biotin is also vital for the fast growth of hair and coat of the German Shepherd. The eggs boast some enzymes that do not allow for the biotin’s absorption, causing a deficiency of biotin in German Shepherd.
4. Additional antibiotics and hormones:
It is not a secret that many farms use additional antibiotics and hormones to make their hens large and make them lay more eggs. Some of these effects also get carried in the egg. Rest assured, there is a near-to-none chance that your dog will show any effect of this. However, it is essential to be wary.
5. Salmonella and E.coli:
This is caused when a dog eats raw eggs, and that is why most people suggest not to give raw eggs to your beloved German Shepherd. Some studies indicate that dogs are better suited to raw food and can handle it better. Some studies show that only one in 10,000 only has salmonella, so the chances of your furry friend having it are slim.
6. Digestion trouble:
This problem mostly occurs in old dogs and puppies. It is also related to the excessive eating of eggs that can cause many problems. As long as the German Shepherd is not eating excessive eggs or raw eggs, he can be safe from any of the risks. However, some studies indicate that cooking eggs can remove some of the benefits of the eggs.
How to feed eggs to German Shepherds?
Even when you know the benefits of German Shepherd being able to eat eggs, your German Shepherd doesn’t need always to display those results. It can be that maybe you are not feeding the eggs the right way, which is why your German Shepherd cannot harness the true benefits of the eggs. In addition, you will also notice that there are certain risks that your German Shepherd will encounter when eating eggs. And so, eating in the right way is immensely important.
And so, with that in mind, what is the correct way of eating an egg? Is what one wonders. There are multiple methods through which you can feed eggs to your beloved German Shepherd. Here we will break them down and let you know about them.
1. Raw egg:
As aforementioned, the raw egg is beneficial to your dog, but it also boasts some risks. However, the benefits are far greater than the risks that raw egg boast. You can either crack the egg and it to your German Shepherd in a bowl, or you can give him the whole thing (eggshell and all). There are some benefits enclosed in the eggshell and giving him it all will ensure that he is truly benefiting from all the elements.
Another way of feeding raw egg is to have some meal and then cracking the egg on top of that meal. This will make the meal more beneficial for your dog as he can benefit from the food and egg.
German Shepherds also have wolves ancestors, and so the rules also apply to them when it comes to consuming raw proteins. As are the rules of wild that any food that wolf will digest would be the only that is inside the stomach of the prey. However, dogs are omnivores, and they can eat both foods, be it meat or plant-based.
Eggs are also obtained from animals and thus can be considered as pure protein. Rest assured, you will need to check if your dog is having some discomfort upon eating the raw egg.
2. Half cooked:
Half cooked eggs usually have the appearance that egg yolk is uncooked while the egg white is cooked. This can be given to your German Shepherd separately or together. Like with the raw egg, you can also put the egg on top of a meal and feed it.
3. Cooked egg:
As aforementioned, the cooked egg is also good for your beloved German Shepherd as when the egg is cooked, all of the risks are eliminated. However, it should also be noted that when cooking an egg, some benefits are also lost. Therefore, many people suggest giving raw egg to their German Shepherd.
4. Boiled egg:
Hard-boiled eggs are also good for the German Shepherd’s health. These hard-boiled eggs can be given to the German Shepherds with or without the eggshell. Although the eggshell is quite beneficial and full of nutritions, it is also said that some nutritions and benefits are eroded when boiling the eggs.
Can you give eggs as a treat to German Shepherds?
Yes, you can also give eggs as a treat to your beloved German Shepherd. There are many people who make treats out of eggs and then feed it to their dog. Additionally, egg whites can also be used when you want your German Shepherd to lose weight.
There are also multiple ways of making egg treats like egg puffs or maybe egg brunch treats that you can find online.
How much egg is good for your German Shepherd?
The eggs intake can vary between the dogs as some dogs have a bigger appetite than other dogs, but mostly three to four eggs are considered okay to be given in a week’s time. However, there are also people who feed more eggs to their German Shepherd who can have some bad effect on their health. There are also some studies that suggest not to give more than seven eggs in a week. These seven eggs in a day also have many factors such as the age of the German Shepherd, and if he can absorb all the benefits from the egg.
Although German Shepherd does not show any severe effect after taking the egg, it is important that you do not go overboard and feed him more eggs. You must first confirm that your dog is comfortable taking eggs. If your dog shows some signs, and you can’t seem to know what it means, you can also take your furry friend to a vet for an in-depth inspection.
Other eggs:
1. Duck egg:
Duck eggs are also common among people, and they often eat it for additional benefits. These eggs are more nutritious, and they also have more yolk than chicken eggs. Additionally, these eggs are filled with proteins, and their eggs are filled with calcium. The nutrients enclosed in the duck’s eggs also support the healthy teeth and bones.
The eggs of ducks are known for their delicious natural taste. Moreover, as the duck’s diet is more natural and mostly eats plants and bugs, their eggs’ quality is also higher than that of a hen.
There are also some dogs that are allergic to chicken eggs, and thus, the duck eggs can be a good alternative to the chicken eggs.
2. Ostrich eggs:
Adding ostrich eggs in the dog’s meal is an excellent addition as the ostrich eggs are highly nutritious treats and can give a lot of energy to the German Shepherd. As some dogs are more prone to digestive problems, these eggs can also assist in that regard. These can also prove to be an excellent palatable and give the boost of energy that your German Shepherd needs to carry out through his day.
The German Shepherds are caring animals that try to take care of their owner the best they can.
These pets are fun-loving and joyous, which is why they can easily make space in anyone’s heart for them. Moreover, German Shepherds also boast a majestic look that gives them a striking and eye-catching personality.
These dogs are sweet and observe us closely for any anomaly and try their best to cheer us up.
We also have to return this favour to them by taking good care of them. Knowing that something you are feeding him can eventually hurt him, does not reflect well on you being the majestic animal owner.
And that is why many people ask can German Shepherds eat eggs? If you are one of them, you can get your answer in this article.
Aside from the chicken eggs, we also explored some other eggs like duck’s eggs and ostrich eggs.
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Have you given eggs to your german shepherd? If so, which ones and what was your method of feeding him the egg?