Before you bring a German shepherd into its new forever home, you have to put a lot into consideration. Diet, maintenance cost, grooming needs, behaviors of the dogs, and most importantly, how much space you have in your yard.
So, how much space does a German shepherd need to be comfortable? Is there a minimum or maximum? Often such a question doesn’t have a definitive answer.
It all depends on how you utilize your space. You may have a big yard, but all come into nothing if your dog is not utilizing it well compared to someone with a small yard.
How Small a Yard Can a German shepherd Reside In?
The yard that your German shepherd resides in should be enough for your dog to play, rest, and roam around without feeling constrained.
As earlier discussed, how you utilize the yard is all that matters.
The Age Consideration
1-5 months old German shepherds will need a big space when they are growing. A yard of 50 by 80 ft. Can be enough for this dog for exercising and roaming around. During their growing phase, the form of exercise you expose them during this phase is crucial. During this growth phase, don’t expose them to rigorous exercises that can expose their bones to breakage or deformity.
When it comes to adult or teenage German shepherds, they will need a spacious yard where they can play around and explore.
Enclosing such a big-boned dog in a small space can predispose it to other behavioral problems like excessive barking, excessive chewing, and anxiety.
How to Keep a German shepherd That Resides in an Enclosed Area or Small Yard Stimulated
If your German shepherd lives in a small yard, you are not exempted from fulfilling its exercise needs. But, considering that the German Shepard is a big-boned dog, how can you keep it stimulated?
- Jogging – when you have time, take your German shepherd for jogging sessions around your neighborhood. 20-30 minutes of lightweight jogging sessions will help burn any pent up energy
- Hiking- hiking is another way you can stimulate your German shepherd. You can go for hiking episodes weekly for great efficiency.
- Take your dog to a dog’s park
A dog park is one place your German shepherd can play and socialize with other dogs. If you have a hostile GSD, ensure it is muzzled.
- Play hide seek with your dog
Playing hide seek with your dog is one great way to stimulate your dog
- Mental stimulation
Besides physical stimulation, you also need to stimulate your dog mentally.
- Look for puzzle toys- they are lots of toys found on amazon that can challenge your dog’s way of thinking
- Train your GSD some commands- your GSD is an intelligent dog; once per week, learn to train it a few commands and tricks to sharpen its brain.
- Enroll your dog for service training- you can also enroll your dog for service training- here, your dog can either become a hearing aid dog or an excellent guide dog.
Are German shepherd good in Small a Space?
German shepherds are good in small a space. However, if your GSD lives in a small space, you must ensure its physical exercise needs are met.
You can take your dog for walks, play indoor games. When you are not available, you can look for a dog walker to help exercise your dog.
Does a German shepherd need a Big Yard?
If possible, it’s necessary for German shepherds to have a big yard where they can exercise and run around. So if the German shepherd lives in a big yard, ensure its safe and well fenced. Furthermore, when it’s playing in a big yard, ensure your dog is on a leash or harness.
Can A German shepherd be an inside Dog
It’s not recommendable for a German shepherd to be an inside dog. Since they are not lap dogs, German shepherds with high physical demands need to be outside where they can roam freely and romp around to flex their muscles.
Living inside for long can predispose them to various behavioral issues, as we had highlighted earlier.
Can I Get a German shepherd If I Don’t Have a Backyard?
Yes, you can get a GSD if you don’t have a backyard. And more so, if you do understand your dog’s exercise needs, then you are good to go. If you don’t have a backyard or a spacious room, ensure you exercise it for a minimum of 45 minutes a day.
Also, don’t leave your dog for long in an enclosed space. If away for long, seek the services of a dog walker or pet sitter to keep your dog exercised.