German Shepherd With Diarrhea – What Food To Eat And What Not to Eat?

German Shepherd With Diarrhea - What Food To Eat And What Not to Eat?

The German Shepherds are the loving creatures that put their lives on the line to save their owner’s life. These dogs are intelligent, smart, and beautiful.

We can also go as far as saying that these dogs have everything one desires in a dog.

However, one thing that is also common in these dogs is their sensitive stomach that can easily get upset, and so diarrhea for this breed is also not out of the norm.

A little carelessness in the diet can get your dog to start vomiting and get stomach issues. And so if your German Shepherd has diarrhea and you are looking for answers to German Shepherd with diarrhea – what food to eat and what not to eat, then you have come to the right place.

With vast knowledge and research, we have finally unraveled every food that your German Shepherd will be able to eat when he is suffering from diarrhea.

German Shepherd with diarrhea – what food to eat and what not to eat?

Foods to eat:

Potato/sweet potato.


Boiled eggs.


Boiled rice.


Boiled chicken.



Cottage cheese.


Ground beef.


Bone broth.


Foods not to eat:



Peanut butter.





Also read: What Fruits German Shepherd Can Eat?

Foods to eat:

Mashed potato:

As the mashed potatoes contain a high amount of sugar and starch, it should not be given to your beloved dog often, or he will start to get fat.

However, the potatoes are also a good source of B6, potassium, vitamin C, fiber, and magnesium, helping your dog quickly digest the food and get all the required elements to get better.

You can also boil some carrots, mash them and add them to the mashed potatoes to improve the taste and give your dog more vitamins and energy required to carry on with the day.


Pumpkin is full of energy, and once consumed, it is also easily digestible. Most of the kennels recommend giving your dog the pumpkin, as it is full of water and fiber, which can significantly help in slowing down the number of diarrhea episodes and delays gastric emptying.

Meaning that not only is it healthy and full of energy, it will also help in delaying/ stopping the gastric release of your German Shepherd.

There are two pumpkins that you can get for your beloved German Shepherd; one being the canned pumpkin and the other being raw pumpkin (mashed pumpkin)

How to feed canned pumpkin?

According to experts, a tablespoon of canned pumpkin consists of 4 grams of soluble fibers and five calories. Hence, you can give one to four tablespoons of canned pumpkin to your German Shepherd, depending upon his size.

How to feed boiled pumpkin?

You can boil the pumpkin and mash it to make a puree out of the pumpkin, and then you can feed it to your beloved German Shepherd. You can also mix boiled rice in the pumpkin puree to make it more nutritional and healthy for your beloved dog. Make sure to not add any seasoning like salt or sugar to the mix.

Boiled eggs:

In general, eggs are full of nutrition and contain proteins and vitamins that can give a considerable boost of energy and make everyday life more comfortable. There are certain precautions you need to take when feeding boiled egg to your beloved German Shepherd.

Do not feed raw eggs:

The raw eggs contain bacteria like salmonella that can cause poisoning in dogs, so feeding raw eggs should be avoided.

Mashed egg:

You can mash the boiled egg or make scrambled eggs to give to your dog. You can also mix boiled rice with a scrambled egg to make the diet more balanced. Like with the pumpkin, you do not need to add any seasoning like salt or sugar to the mix.


You might have heard that carrots are a good source of fiber and potassium, but that is not the only substances that is encapsulated in this vegetable.

The carrots also contain multiple vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C.

As the carrots are soft and bland, they are easy for the dogs to eat and enjoy. Cooked carrots are also easy to digest and can also solve other digestion problems like diarrhea.

Can you feed mashed carrots?

Yes, mashed carrots are also good, and easy to digest for your beloved German Shepherd. The carrots are also packed with nutrition, and they can help significantly in treating digestion problems.

Can you feed boiled carrots?

Another way to feed your dog carrots rather than make a puree is by taking some rice and adding carrots to them. You can then make rice and carrots and feed them to your dog.

Boiled rice:

Most vets often suggest boiled rice in the case of diarrhea. The boiled rice is light and has soluble fiber that can stabilize the German Shepherd’s stool.

Moreover, the rice can also cure diarrhea caused by dehydration. Like with other food on this list, you do not need to add any seasoning like salt to the rice. It is also essential that you do not serve hot boiled rice as it can be dangerous for your beloved German Shepherd.


Healthy microorganisms can also cause diarrhea when they can’t perform their function well or lose their vitality. A probiotic provides microorganisms that are beneficial to digestion. Microorganisms in the digestive tract stop the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Boiled chicken:

The best way to serve some boiled chicken to your dog is to take some skinless, boneless chicken and then boil it. You can then take three parts of rice and one part of the chicken and feed it to your dog. This is also one of the top foods that vets recommend for the German Shepherd suffering from diarrhea.

Note: this food is effective and should be given to your dog when he has not vomited for at least six hours.


Oatmeal is considered being useful for not only dogs but also humans. The oatmeal is light, easily digestible, and contains soluble fiber that is good for the digestive tract’s health. The oatmeal also helps in delaying gastric secretions and controls diarrhea. Do not add sugar or any other substance to flavoring.

Note: Raw or half-cooked oatmeal can have a harmful effect on your dog, so be sure to cook it thoroughly. Like rice, you need to make sure that oatmeal is at room temperature before serving.


Bananas are actually one of the most recommended fruits when it comes to treating dogs with diarrhea. Like some other beneficial foods on this list, bananas also contain potassium, biotin, vitamin C, manganese, copper, and vitamin B6, all of which are beneficial to the German Shepherd’s health. There are three ways to feed bananas to your beloved German Shepherd.

Mashed banana:

You can mash bananas and give the banana puree to your dog.

Banana and rice:

You can also make a puree of banana and rice and feed it to your German Shepherd or simply add the banana puree to the boiled rice and let your dog recover.

Sliced banana:

You can also cut the banana into small pieces and feed it to your beloved dog. Ensure that the pieces are small so that your dog does not have any difficulty swallowing them.

Cottage cheese:

Cottage cheese is beneficial for the German Shepherd as it can help in solidifying the waste. Although the cottage cheese is a little bland, it is a good addition to the German Shepherd’s diet as it contains proteins, fats, and calcium, which can also strengthen the bones of the German Shepherd.

Note: Although the cottage cheese can be beneficial to the dog, it can also make diarrhea more severe when given in excess. It is also essential to check if your German Shepherd is lactose intolerant.


When your beloved German Shepherd is suffering from diarrhea, you can try giving him some plain yogurt to make his stomach stable. Many people recommend plain Greek yogurt because it contains probiotics and can provide healthy flora to strengthen your German Shepherd’s gut.

Note: Like with the cottage cheese, it is essential first to determine if your German Shepherd is lactose intolerant or not.

Ground beef:

Like chicken, ground beef also provides good nutritional values and proteins good for your beloved German Shepherd. When feeding, you need to make sure that the meat is not left uncooked. You can feed the ground beef as is, or you can add it to rice and feed it to your dog.


The watermelon contains vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium; in addition, the watermelon is also low in calories, fat, and cholesterol, meaning that it has many benefits for your German Shepherd.

Watermelon also contains lycopene that can control the free radicals in your dog’s immune system and strengthen your German Shepherd’s immune system. Watermelon also contains a high amount of water and fiber, which also helps in solidifying the waste.

The watermelon can also help with dehydration.

One thing to keep in mind is that some dogs do not respond well when consuming watermelon. If your dog shows any weird symptoms, you need to stop giving watermelon.

Bone broth:

Bone broth is immensely beneficial when it comes to healthy eating. Not only is the bone broth light, but it is also filled with nutrients. Some people go as far as saying that bone broth is among the top medicine that you should give to your dog.

Making bone broth is simple; you need to cook the bones in water and let the water absorb the nutritions and bones, and then you can feed it to your dog. Some people even add apple cider vinegar to the water and then feed it to their beloved German Shepherd. The bone broth can assist in healing the gut and repair the mucosal lining to seal the gut barrier.

However, bone broth benefits do not end here as the bone broth can also help in detoxing the liver, as the bone broth contains glycine, which produces glutathione, which is a powerful detoxifier. The bone broth also contains certain acids and electrolytes that can help in detoxifying.

Foods not to eat:


Although you can give bread to your beloved German Shepherd, you do not want to give bread to your dog when your dog is suffering from runny poop and diarrhea. The bread does not have any health benefits nor any vitamins and minerals; the bread, however, does contain carbohydrates and fat. When you give bread to your beloved German Shepherd, it can be hard on his stomach. Moreover, the bread bought from the grocery store also contains preservatives, which can be bad for your furry friend’s health.


German Shepherd can eat ham, but the ham’s nutritional value suggests that ham has sodium and fat, which is not beneficial for German Shepherd, especially when your furry friend is suffering from diarrhea.

Peanut butter:

Peanut butter can be healthy for your dog as it contains niacin, vitamin E, and vitamin B. However, it also has fat, and when consumed, it can also be hard for the German Shepherd to digest.


Shrimps have phosphorus, vitamin B-12, and antioxidants, which make them healthy for German Shepherds otherwise. However, when your furry friend is suffering from diarrhea, it is essential that you feed food that has a minimal amount of fat, and as shrimps have fat, they are to be avoided.


There is a huge debate on whether the German Shepherd can drink milk or not. At the same time, many say that it is okay for your furry friend to drink milk. Other people like to object, saying that milk (other than that of the dog’s mother’s milk) can be hard on the dog’s stomach. In our opinion, it would be better to avoid it.


While German Shepherd can normally eat tuna; however, when he is suffering from diarrhea, it is better to avoid giving your beloved pet tuna.

Tuna has good nutritional value and contains Omega-3 fatty acids, good for eyes, and heart health. However, tuna also contains mercury and sodium, which can be bad for your dog’s stomach.

Even when you decide to give tuna to your beloved dog when he is healthy, it is important to make tuna in water and not in oil. Tuna is also not to be given in excess.


German Shepherd can eat avocado in small amounts when he is healthy. However, when a German Shepherd is feeling under the weather, like going through diarrhea, it is best to avoid it.

Some people make a puree of avocado and feed it to their beloved pet as it has some beneficial values.

Avocados, however, also contain pepsin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Avocados are best avoided, even in normal circumstances.

Final Verdict:

German Shepherds are precious pets that take care of us and make us overjoyed with happiness as soon as we see them.

These animals are understanding, welcoming, and warm, making them the best friend of their owner. There are many instances where the German shepherd has put his life on the line to save the loved ones’ life.

Other than that, there are many shreds of evidence and reports that proclaim that these furry friends can also sniff out their owner’s medical emergency.

These animals are so caring that they cannot bear to see us in trouble and try their utmost to make us happy. On the other hand, we also vow to protect them and love them like a part of our family.

From the early ages, dogs and humans have relied on each other for their needs of hunting and protecting. These interactions have not only changed our feeling towards these loving creatures but also made these animals more open with us.

Seeing these animals go through issues and fighting alone is hard for anyone, especially when one has not adopted a pet before. German shepherds have a track record of having stomach issues, and seeing them get diarrhea is also not something shocking and new, so there are many methods through which you can help your furry friend.

In diarrhea, the most challenging thing to understand is your dog’s diet and how the diet is beneficial for your dog.

In this article on German Shepherd with diarrhea – what food to eat and what not to eat, we have uncovered some of the foods that are safe for your beloved animal and some that should be avoided.

These foods will provide you with a better understanding of what food should be beneficial to your dog.

What do you think about this article? What was the last time your dog was suffering from diarrhea, and what was the diet you gave him?

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